Friday, August 21, 2009

Kezie and her dogs

Kezie is fascinated with dogs. She can hear a dog barking miles away; suddenly she will straighten out her back, turn her head, almost visually perk up her ears and appropriately "woof" to let the dog know she can hear him. The stuffed dog get her excited, but nothing compared to seeing one in the flesh. Her legs bounce up and down and she claps and grins away. She doesn't mind giving or receiving huge slobbery dog kisses...sometimes to her mother's dismay.

Peering out Great-grandma Boluyt's window to look for birds and deer.
She was so excited to see Sandy. Look at how she checks out Sandy's tongue:)


Kezia and cousin Sygnet...

Best lookin' guy on the beach:)
Search and Destroy
Kez is not quite sure about this bike ride.

More Cottage

Beach days are so much fun!!
Showing off her muscles...

Cottage Pics from July...

"Whoa! What a great hole, daddy!"