The Week of Spring filled events and class competitions. I am surprised the other teachers did not scream at us for all the time we took the kids out of class!

The Greek goddess and her holy husband. (He wants to be known as William Perkins.) It was history/book character day and Bud and I woke up with no idea what to do. I looked at the bedsheet and decided the cheapest thing to do was create a toga. Bud used toilet paper for his clerical collar and boom...we were set for the day.

FEAR FACTOR: This was by far the grossest of them all. A smoothie with fish oil, milk, grass, crickets, tarantulas, maggots, water beetles, and other gross things I can't remember. I almost threw up watching. These brave little ladies drank it down. The one in the middle won!

Gerald does it with style. That would be tarantula in his teeth.

Would you stick your face in a bowl of bugs? Only in Cambodia...we actually had a problem with the Student Council members "snacking" too much on the fried crickets and tarantulas. We needed to cut them off. Some students were so excited they came over and said, "Oh, you bought us snacks!" The sad thing is, they were serious!

Lord of the Flies, Julius Caesar, a superhero/vampire, and a feminist...all in a day's work.

Ehud and I were supposed to be expressing our frustration at dressing the same...he didn't pull a face though!

History/book character day...

Bud and I were jungle spies for twin day.