Sunday, February 10, 2013

Winter fun

 Helping make dad's birthday cake:)
Below: Christmas in many cousins, so little time.
 A smile from Owen? Caught on camera? This could be the start of something. Now we need to work on cleaning up his face!

 Such a concerned look for opening presents.
 This was a GREAT day for Owen. There is something so special about discovering that you can actually eat snow!

 Aunt Ashley came home for a visit over Christmas...we can't wait for her to come longer this summer!
 Bud took Kezzie out ice skating for the first time. She LOVED it. Must be the Canadian blood in her.

 This is one of my favorite shots of Owen. I feel like there are about 700 captions I could put on this one, so I'm going to refrain and let you imagine what he is thinking!
 We've all had bad hair days!
 They calm down later in the day...
 Sunday night: Listening to "The Pond" and having a doesn't get much better than that!
 He was allowed a bowl of pudding and his own spoon. He felt like such a big boy!
 Sometimes they play so well together:)
 Shirts and socks are required, but pants are completely optional.
 Finally, some of the real Owen personality coming out on camera.

 Kezzie is starting to read really well now. It's such an awesome thing to experience! She is so excited to learn.

I thought I had recently updated the blog, but looking back, I guess November was quite a long time ago. Oh well. Number three will be here in eight weeks...I'm sure I'll have tons of time to update then;)