We tried to give Kez some hair, but she just wasn't feeling up for it. Although she didn't seem to mind some of the free burrito.

Some friends of ours told us that Chipotle (a GREAT little restaurant) was offering free burritos to anyone who came in on Halloween dressed as a burrito. We took the creative liberties to assume this just meant, use aluminum foil and be creative. So for the small price of aluminum foil, we all saved 7 bucks. Plus, we had the quacamole (hey, this isn't SoCal anymore, they charge 1.40 for a little slap of that!). AND, because they guy was so impressed with our creativity, we got free drinks as well. Not bad! We walked in the store, kind of assuming we would be the only crazies there...but lo and behold, there were other kindred spirits. Most people weakly attempted to look like a burrito by wearing a foil hat...sad. But out little group decided to embrace the event; we had a Jedi, a fancy gentleman, a vested man with a LARGE belt, Miss Burrito, fake-haired Jane, and Harry Potter. Plus two little sidekicks who just wanted to food (you can guess which two those were).