Someone learned how to be cheesy in front of the camera.

She was pulling the funniest faces...

Her birthday party with Cameron.
Well, the summer is officially over and we are back at home. I think Kezzie recognized her old stomping grounds right away. We drove through the night and pulled up to our place at 4 am. We were discussing how to get her up to bed when we heard a little voice singing "Da-da-da-da" from the back seat. That was the only noise she made the entire ride! We walked into the living room and she said "OH..." when she saw her toys in the corner. Then she went right to sleep!!
It is still nice and warm here-today was actually hot. The first few nights Bud and I felt like we were in the jungle because of all the noises from outside. It feels like a rainforest with all the crickets and other creatures singing away-but now we are totally used to it. Kezzie had to adjust to all the sounds too. The train is one of her favorites-she gets so excited to hear it come past. She also is just starting to sing along with the church bells, and she giggles at the many horns we hear each day.