Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back Home

This is Kezie's lovely smile on demand:) She was quite proud of it last night, wrinkled up nose and all!
The shopping cart is dragged all over the place. The golf club is a close second. The other day I looked down and she was trying desperately to hit the golf ball with the club.
This was the result of telling her to pull a funny face.
This was the morning after the flu. She doesn't look too bad:)
Maybe I have a future running partner!

We are back in the groove of things at home now. I started class last week, and from the looks of it, I won't be doing anything but reading and writing for the next 16 weeks. Bud is looking forward to starting school on Monday; he is diligently working on his goal of reading three of his books this week. We've had the wonderful and lovely flu bug visiting us this week. Kez and Bud had it, so I'm a little nervous that I may be the next victim. Bud claims a positive attitude will ward it off.
Kezie is learning more new things each day. Bud is awesome at teaching her and spends time each night trying to impart more wisdom. Last night he was trying to teach her how to do a puzzle. She was working pretty well but got stuck on one piece. He decided to demonstrate with her dolly. He took the doll and slowly pushed the piece into the spot with the doll's nose. Kezie looked at him, looked at the piece, and promptly plopped herself on her belly and began pushing the piece with her nose. She was slightly confused at why it wasn't working:)
At dinner I asked her if she would like another bite and she shook her head and said, "No thank-you," clear as a bell. She's been blabbing up a storm lately, telling me pretty complex stories that make no sense.
Another thing we've been working on is sitting still for reading the Bible. She will crawl up on the couch and say "Bible" but then she gets distracted trying to fold her baby's arms. Her baby is hauled around everywhere. If the baby is naughty, she spanks it. If the baby is thirsty, she gives it a drink. If the baby is sleepy, she gives it a blanket and starts snoring for it. It's so crazy to see how much she comprehends! I thought a few months ago she was at the greatest stage...but now I think she REALLY is:)