Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

At the Zoo...

Randy, Tyler, Bud and Kezzie
Kez wasn't so sure about the whole petting zoo idea.
She had a little stare-down with the sheep.

Kez had her first guitar lesson the other night. From the sounds of it she is going to be a head-banger!

Head to the Beach!

We had a little heat wave here a few weeks ago and it was 90 for 4 or 5 days in a row. Jeanette (a friend from church) called me up on Monday morning and said, "I have a crazy idea. Do you want to take the kids to the beach? If it is going to be 90 in April we may as well go to the beach." After thinking about it for .0001 of a second I said sure! It took about 2 hours to get there (we went to New Jersey), but it was worth it!
Kez getting ready to go!
Alright! First beach shot! She was soaking up the shade under the umbrella (which did blow away once and nearly landed in a bathing woman's stomach...she was in a very bad location because a few hours later she was nearly hit again...with someone else's umbrella).
Kezzie's friends Marlowe (almost 1) and his brother Ellis (3).
I think under all those rolls she may have some great little muscles!
While Marlowe loved the water (making a bee-line for it every few seconds), this shot sums up Kezzie's fun at the beach. She was so excited for the sand...and ate her fair share of it! Overall she had a great first-time beach experience.

Beach-take 2

Kez and Marlowe

Look at those rolls:)
Three carseats in the back of the problem! After a day at the beach, these are some tired kids!

Looking Pretty!

Kezzie and I on the balcony of the apartment.
Kez (back in Michigan) with her buddy Jude...she is going in for a big smack. Jude doesn't seem to mind!
First 4-wheeler ride.
Kez was already learning how to drive the tractor from Great-Gramps.
Kez and her buddy Jack had the same idea...enough pictures, let's get to the nap stage!

Kez went to her first birthday party in April. It was Tyler's 3rd birthday and the theme was Clifford:) Sarah made the little Clifford ears.
While she didn't get to eat any cake, Kezzie was pretty pleased with the gift she received! She still loves to chew on it.

Pre-party photo.