Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Another NJ Visit and Sledding!

It's one thing to have the bad hair day, but she has to be dramatic about it too. She can't just take a normal picture, as soon as the flash goes on her face crunches up and she gets cheesy!

The Beeke/Roger bond of love.

Kezie and Judah were litte buddies all weekend.
We went to the new house so we could do some sledding in the backyard. The kids had a blast!
Uncle Duane's crazy steering and lack of braking.

Bud was not planning on sledding, which explains the button down shirt and vest.
Selah and Kezie stayed hydrated with heavy doses of snow consumption.
I never saw Mary as a little girl, but I'm pretty sure that is a spitting image.

Bundled up and ready to go!
Thanks for all the fun!