Bud and I saw a guy with a horse on the trail and we suddenly had great plans. I was thinking "Great! Kezzie will get to sit on this horse and I'll capture this all on camera. What a wonderful mother I will be." Bud vocalized "Maybe she will get to pet the horse." We picked up our pace and headed toward the horse. Eagerly we pointed out the creature to Kez (as we had to manually twist her head away from the way-more-interesting cars). We explained how the horse had a mane and a big tail and eyes and blah blah blah. The man was in a conversation so we kept our comfortable and polite distance.
"Looks like you have a fan," noticed the man-without-a-horse.
Brief glance from the man-with-a-horse.
Bud and Al continue balancing on rollerblades while pointing out the fine features of this horse.
Conversation between the men stops.
Man with horse looks at Bud.
"How you doin'?"
"Very well. And you?" Asks my polite husband.
"Good," man with horse replies and turns and walks away.
I was flabbergasted. I felt like shouting "Don't you see the cute baby?" "Didn't you hear me tell her this is the first time she has seen a horse?" "What is wrong with you?" "Can she touch the horse?" "Can't we even get a picture?"
I turned to Bud with that 'I've-just-been-slapped-across-the-face' look and said, "I guess Kezzie's not getting a picture with the horse."
I was so stunned/mad/hurt/frustrated that I didn't even know what to do. I sulked away (this is hard for the untrained eye to notice when someone is on rollerblades, but have no doubt, it was sulking).
But I'm not mad.
His horse wasn't cool anyway.
And my kid likes cars better.
And my kid likes cars better.
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