Monday, November 19, 2012

Fall days

 Watching Bud unloading after another Lowe's trip. He came in the house beaming away and chirping "Who needs a truck when you've got a van!" He had the tub hanging out the back door and the walls strapped on to the roof. 
Below: I have a hard time catching Owen for pictures.
 Making popcorn. Someone was pretty excited to be helping. This was a great way to spend one of the first cold Sunday nights!
 The horse-drawn hayride and apple cider at Robinette's.

 Night-time is great for cuddling with Dad!
 The Children's Museum. This may be Kezzie's new favorite place on earth. She was so excited as we entered that she looked at the mosaic on the outside wall and said "Wow! And what do we do with this?" "Um...well, we look at it and enjoy it." Not sure that was a satisfying answer for someone ready to dive into some serious playing.

 Fall clean-up

 Our first weekend at the cabin. Well, Kezzie had been there before, so believe you me, she was an expert on the place. She gave us a grand tour as soon as we arrived. On the way home she said she loved the cabin so much that she wanted to move there!
 I'm not sure Owen felt the same way. Especially when he discovered that the river was not for swimming in. He was very persistent in his attempts to escape back to the river.

 Their first taste of the deer-blind. I think any deer within 30 miles heard them, so there was not much chance of a sighting!
 On our way up to the cabin Bud turned to me and said "Oh, did you bring the camera?" I was so excited. Here my husband was thinking, what a great time to get some pictures of the kiddos this weekend. It warmed my heart. Until I realized the only reason he wanted to make the trip at all was for this picture. We drove through the town of Luther, much to his delight.
 I can't seem to get a great picture of him smiling. So you will have to settle with one of him eating chalk...without his pants on!
 Another of Bud's nieces was married in October. It was a really fun wedding. Look at how grown-up and beautiful she is!
 Kezzie, Jacob, and fun to play with cousins!
 Kezia spent most of her time finding out what tree each leaf came from.
 There's a bit of a smile...guess I know the key!

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